Monday, September 7, 2009


Another thing that piss me off is sejarah....... Islam is the main religion in our country and we have to learn about its origins fair enough. BUT7 CHAPTERS OF IT!!! whole of physics also not that much chapters right. THis i damn demotivating for the students to learn 7 chapters all on Islam. sooo0000000n wee will get bored. for example, i never score below 70 for my sejarah this year before and yet i find myself unprepared for tommorow's test. havnt even touch the sejarah textbook... you know why? because sejarah is GETTING BORING AND I AM DEMOTIVATED!!!!!!

another thing... the education system wants us to learn about all th different khalifah and their sumbangan.... Fair enough. But why ah... we have to learn about what sifat they have what berani lah tegas lah..... who his father lah who his mother lah... his nickname lah... his real name lah QUAN NG PEI XI MEH!!!!!!!!!

if we are so stuck up in just learning about ourself and not the rest of the world how are we going to maju. I mean what is it... 3 chapters on the rest of the worlds history vs 7 Islam Chapters. Im budhist and i dont even know 7 chapters worth of budhist facts. and not to mention all the chapters on our own m'sia history we have to learn in form5

Damn pissed lah..

This is my first post... noone gonna read this probably but i am damn pissed.
First whoever who stole my phone is a sohai who really got me in trouble. thanks a lot you chi bai madefucker!!!!!!! now.... anyone......anyone who wants to steal a phone pls......pls just leave the sim card lah!!!!!!! thats if you are too idiot to leave the phone alone and your mother never teach you and your father never teach you not to steal. i mean what the hell you want with the guys sim card..... can sell ah... can eat ah. if the guy never lost his sim card probably his parents wont know he lost his phone because he can put his sim card in an extra phone. thebn the guy wont get SCOLDING FOR 4 DAYS STRAIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!